Platemail Rules

Players and Characters

The rules will usually refer to Characters which are enities that can take Actions in the game world. Sometimes these Characters are controlled by human Players, otherwise they are NPCs controlled by the Arbiter. The Arbiter is a Player who acts as a referee. Arbiters might be called Game Masters or Dungeon Masters in other table-top roleplaying games.

Combat Mechanics Overview

In this game, combat is both simultaneous and speculative, requiring you to plan ahead to adapt to changing situations. Combat is meant to feel chaotic and deadly. Actions may fall through due to poor planning, bad luck, imperfect knowledge or enemy Actions.

Simultaneous Combat

  • Combat is divided into Rounds of approximately 10 seconds.
  • Characters get two Actions per Round and these are resolved in two phases:
    • 1st Action Phase
    • 2nd Action Phase
  • All Characters declare their Action orders at the start of each Round.
  • Actions are written down. They cannot be changed once submitted.
  • Most Actions require one or more designated Targets, which must be declared with the Action order.

Speculative Planning

  • Each combat Round consists of two Actions per Character.
  • First Action (Informed Decision): You choose this Action based on the current, known circumstances.
  • Second Action (Speculative Choice): Since the situation may change (enemies might move or be defeated, you might be wounded, spells interrupted, etc), this Action includes a conditional plan.

IF ELSE Clause for Second Action

  • To adapt to potential changes, you use an IF ELSE clause for your Second Action.
  • IF a specific condition is met, THEN perform Action A, ELSE perform Action B.
  • IF Conditions must be based on what your Character can perceive.

Example Actions Order

First Action:

Action: Charge

Target: Towards the closest enemy.

Second Action:

IF: I reach the enemy


Action: Full Attack

Target: Closest Enemy


Action: Charge

Target: Towards the closest enemy.

Ready/Not Ready

If an Action has (R) next to it's name, it means a Character taking that Action is Ready through that entire Action Phase. (NR) means it leaves the Character Not Ready for that entire Action phase.

  • Ready: The Character is prepared to react to changes in the environment, such as performing an Attack of Opportunity when an adjacent enemy moves into an non-adjacent space.
  • Not Ready: The Character is focused on their Action and cannot react to environmental changes during that time.


  • Actions that involve movement must have their distance and direction declared as part of the Action order.
  • This might be something like "Charge into melee toward the closest foe", "Move 15' down the corridor and stand to the left of the door", "Sprint 30' South to behind the bush", "S, S, SW", or "Move to X: 15, Y: 20".
  • Arbiter gets final say on whether a movement order makes sense and works as intended. If not, the Arbiter does the best they can to fulfill their understanding of the order's intent.
  • If allied Characters move across each others' paths, they may initiate the Crash Involuntary Action if either of them is Not Ready.
  • If opponents move across each others' paths, they initiate the Clash Involuntary Action.


  • Targets can be either a specific Target ("Orc #2") or a general Target like "The closest hostile", "The most injured enemy" or "The biggest enemy orc".
  • Targets cannot be chosen by non-obvious means like "The guy with the most gold on him" or "the smartest goblin here".
  • When in doubt, the Arbiter chooses the Target they deem most appropriate. Arbiters, rule in favor of the Player when you can.
  • Targets can overlap between Characters and sometimes this leads to overkill due to simultaneous resolution.

Favor and Disfavor:

Used to reflect the risk and reward of Actions or beneficial or harmful circumstances.

  • Favor: Grants a +3 bonus to the Action roll.
  • Disfavor: Imposes a -3 penalty to the Action roll.

Attacks of Opportunity (AoO):

  • Triggered when an adjacent enemy moves into a non-adjacent space from a Ready Character in melee range (5' or 10' if they have Reach).
  • Provides an immediate melee Attack against the moving enemy.
  • This Attack can be taken by a Character in addition to their chosen Actions.
  • Only one Attack of Opportunity is allowed per Action phase.

Concentration Checks:

Required when you are hit while performing Actions requiring deep concentration for success. This includes Prepare Spell or Focus Spell. When Spellcasting, failure results in becoming Dazed and losing Spell Preparation or Focus.

Cover and Concealment

If there is an object large enough to block line of sight to approximately half a Character's body between them and a Character targeting them, they have Cover. Cover gives a -2 to rolls that target the Character in Cover. If line of sight is blocked completely, the Character has Concealment. Characters with Concealment cannot be targeted directly under normal circumstances. They may still be indirectly targeted by Attacks with an Area of Effect component.

Attack Rolls

Attack rolls are resolved by rolling a D20 and adding or subtracting any modifiers (Favor, Cover, etc). This total is compared to the Target's Defense which is 10 + the Deflection of any Shields or Armor. If the Attack roll total is greater than the Defense total, the Attack hits. Most Attacks deal one Wound, though Armor may reduce that. An Attack roll of a natural 20, is always hits. This is a Critical Hit which has +1 Penetration and deals one extra Wound.

Armor and Absorb

Armor provides protection in two ways: Deflection and Absorb. Heavier armor tends to rely on Absorb to prevent Wounds, while lighter armors rely on Deflection to avoid Wounds. * Deflection makes it harder to land a meaningful hit by raising the Defense of a Character. * Absorb represents armor absorbing the effects of the Attack. Absorb is the number of Wounds armor outright prevents per Action Phase in combat. So, if a Character has armor providing 2 Absorb, they ignore the first two Wounds they receive per Action Phase.


Shields provide Deflection and Absorb only when a Character is Ready. When they are Not Ready, they cannot actively block with a Shield.


Some weapons or spells have a Penetration value. Penetration ignores Absorb of a Target up to that Penetration value. So for example Penetration 2, would circumvent Absorb up to 2, but be stopped by Absorb 3. Crossbows are the most common weapon with Penetration. Some spells may also have Penetration.

Ignores Absorb

Some causes of Wounds may Ignore Absorb entirely. This means Absorb can't reduce the Wounds received. Armor is no protection against some dangers. This mostly includes environmental dangers like falling, drowning or poison gas.


Each Character has a Max Wounds value, 3 by default. After each Action Phase, Wounds are tallied. Characters receive 1 Wound for each Attack that hits them in an Action Phase beyond their Armor's Absorb value. For each Wound they receive, all a Character's rolls on subsequent Action Phases are at a -1 penalty. This penalty reflects the Wounds hampering them. Once a Character has received Wounds in excess of their Max Wounds they fall to the ground Unconscious. They are now Fatally Wounded. The Fatally Wounded Character has a number of Rounds equal to their Max Wounds to receive aid before they die. Healing magic or another Character successfully using the Stabilize Action on them, can Stabilize them before death. The Stable Character will still remain Unconscious for 1d4+1 for each Wound they have.

Rest and Healing

Assuming a Character rests in a safe place with enough food and water, they heal 1 Wound a week.


Movement Actions

These Actions are the ways of moving a Character around the battlefield.

Move (R)

Allows you to reposition while staying alert and able to react.

  • Move up to 15 feet.

Sprint (NR)

Covers more distance quickly but sacrifices your ability to react.

  • Move up to 30 feet.
  • Ranged Attacks against you are made with Disfavor this Action Phase.

Fall Back (R)

A tactical retreat that allows you to stay prepared for reactions.

  • Move up to 15 feet. Must move away from hostiles.
  • Melee Attacks against you are made with Disfavor.
  • You prevent Attacks of Opportunity against you this Action Phase.

Skulk (R)

Useful for ambush or avoiding detection.

  • Move up to 15 feet while attempting to stay Hidden.
  • You must end this Action Phase in Cover or Concealment to remain Hidden.
  • If moving, roll Stealth. Arbiter may apply Favor or Disfavor for circumstance.
  • If you remain in Cover or Concealment and don't move, you can choose to roll Stealth or keep your last Stealth roll.
  • Characters* who are Not Ready or whose Perception is below the Stealth Roll are Unaware** of the skulker.
  • Unaware Characters may not designate the Skulker as a Target.
  • Your first Attack on an Unaware Target is made with Favor.
  • Overt Actions such as Attacks, Sprint, etc reveal you. What constitutes overt is Arbiter's Discretion.

Combat Actions

Charge (NR)

A way to move and attack in one Action Phase. Increases your chances of landing a hit but leaves you unable to react.

  • Move up to 15 feet and make an Attack with Favor. You must move at least 10' to receive Favor on your Attack .

Full Attack (NR)

Maximizes offense at the expense of defense and readiness.

  • Stay in place and make two Attacks against adjacent opponents.
  • Melee Attacks on you have Favor this Action Phase.

Counter (R)

A defensive stance that penalizes Attackers and allows for a retaliatory strike.

  • Stay in place. You get one Melee Attack against one adjacent opponent.
  • Melee Attacks on you have Disfavor this Action Phase.

Ranged Attack (R)

Attack from a distance while staying prepared for reactions.

  • Stay in place. Make a ranged attack at a designated Target.
  • Melee Attacks on you have Favor this Action Phase.

Rapid Fire (NR)

You fire as rapidly as you can at the cost of accuracy.

  • Stay in place. Make 2 Ranged Attacks at designated Target(s).
  • Your Ranged Attacks have Disfavor this Action Phase.
  • Melee Attacks on you have Favor this Action Phase.
  • Weapons, like crossbows, that require a Use Item Action to reload between Attacks cannot be used for this Action.

Aim (NR)

Sacrifices reactions and time for improved accuracy.

  • Stay in place. Take time to aim a ranged weapon.
  • If your next Action is Ranged Attack, it gains Favor and has +1 Penetration.
  • Melee Attacks on you have Favor this Action Phase.

Defend (R)

You sacrifice attacking to maximize survival.

  • Stay in place. You focus on defense and make no Attacks except Attacks of Opportunity.
  • Melee Attacks on you have Disfavor this Action Phase as long as you are not Unaware of the Attacker.
  • You gain Favor on Saving Throws.

Guard (R)

You protect another **Character**.

  • Move up to 15' staying adjacent to your Guard Target. You focus on defending them and make no Attacks except Attacks of Opportunity.
  • You can attempt to block Attacks against the Guarded as long as you are not Unaware of the Attacker.
  • Opponents attacking the Guarded roll their Attack against the Guard's Deflection.
    • You block and negate the Attack if their Attack roll fails.
    • If not, roll a dice:
      • On even, the Attack hits you.
      • On odd, you were unable to block. The attacker rolls their Attack against the Guarded normally.
  • For each additional Attack you attempt to Guard against during this Action Phase, your Deflection has a -1 penalty this Action Phase.
  • You cannot Guard against Area of Effect Attacks or effects that Ignore Absorb.

Spellcasting Actions

Prepare Spell (NR)

Initiates spellcasting but leaves you vulnerable to disruption.

  • Stay in place. Begin casting a chosen spell. You don't designate a Target yet.
  • Attacks against you gain Favor.
  • If hit, you must make a Concentration Check. If you fail, your next Action is replaced with the Dazed Involuntary Action.
  • If not interrupted, your spell is Prepared at the end of this Action Phase.

Release Spell (NR)

Executes a Prepared Spell's effect on designated **Targets**.

  • Stay in place. Release a Prepared spell at designated Target(s).

Focus Spell (NR)

Concentrate to maintain or control an Ongoing Spell's effects. Can be disrupted by **Attacks**.

  • Stay in place. Concentrate on an ongoing spell.
  • Attacks against you gain Favor.
  • If hit, you must make a Concentration Check. If you fail, your next Action is replaced with the Dazed Involuntary Action and you lose focus on the spell.

Support Actions

Use Item (R/NR)

This **Action** lets you manipulate the environment (close or open an adjacent door), change your equipment or use an item.

  • Use a potion, scroll, or other item; reload a crossbow; or swap readied weapons (stow your bow and draw your sword).
  • Action is either:
    • Quick Use Items: You remain Ready.

      Examples: Drinking a potion, swapping weapons, reloading a light crossbow. * Complex Use Items: You become Not Ready.

      Examples: Reloading a heavy crossbow. Removing armor. * At the Arbiter's discretion, some Actions might take many Rounds of Use Item Actions. Donning heavy armor for example.

Rescue (NR)

A noble but risky **Action** to aid an ally in need.

  • Move up to 15 feet, picking up and carrying an ally or unconscious Character. You are Encumbered.
  • Attacks on you have Favor this Action Phase.
  • If you are hit, roll a die: On even numbers, the Character you are carrying is hit instead.

Stabilize (NR)

You attempt to stop the bleeding or otherwise prevent a **Fatally Wounded** **Character's** death.

  • Attempt a Medical roll to prevent a Fatally Wounded Character from expiring. On success, they are Stable.

Involuntary Actions

These Actions are typically forced upon Characters due to circumstances such as failed checks, enemy effects, or environmental hazards. They usually replace the Action the Character intended to take.

Crash (R)

The result of two allied **Characters** moving across each others' path during movement.

  • If either of the allied Characters is Not Ready because of their chosen Action, then they potentially collide.
    • Both Characters roll a Dexterity Saving Throw. Ready Characters have Favor for this roll. Not Ready Characters have Disfavor.
      • Ready Characters that fail their Dexterity Save end their movement early and become Not Ready.
      • Not Ready Characters that fail their Dexterity Save end their movement early and fall Prone.
      • The Arbiter should place stopped Characters at their best estimate of where their paths crossed.

Clash (NR)

This **Action** is the result of opponents moving across each others' path during movement.

  • Both Characters stop their movement where their paths intersect. Ready Characters may make one Attack of Opportunity.
  • The Arbiter should place stopped Characters adjacent at the best estimate of where their paths crossed.
  • Ready Characters wielding melee weapons get Attacks of Opportunity.
  • Characters that were using Charge still get to make an Attack with Favor despite being Not Ready.

Dazed (NR)

Often the result of failed Concentration Checks, blows to the head and certain spell effects.

  • You are mentally stunned and stay in place.
  • Attacks on you have Favor this Action Phase.

Terror (NR)

Represents a fear-induced flight response.

  • You are terrified and cannot think clearly.
  • You must move up to 30 feet. You must move away from hostiles if possible.
  • If unable to move away, or moving would place you in more danger, you may make one Attack at Disfavor.


Melee Weapons


  • Dual Wield (-2 to attacks)
  • Reach attacks
  • Rewrite/Simplify Melee Properties
One Handed Weapons
Name Penetration Cost Properties
Axe 0 10gp Severs Limb on Critical Hit.
Club 0 1gp Poor weapon but Free near trees.
Dagger 0 3gp +1 Penetration against Unaware Targets.
Flail 0 20gp +2 Attack against Targets with Shields.
Mace 0 10gp Dazes on Critical Hit.
Sword 0 15gp +1 Deflection when Ready.
Two Handed Weapons
Name Penetration Cost Properties
Great Axe 1 25gp Requires Str 3. Severs Limb on Critical Hit.
Great Sword 1 25gp Requires Str 3. Severs Limb on Critical Hit.
Lance 1 15gp +2 Penetration when Mounted and using Charge.
Pike 1 15gp +1 Penetration against Targets that Charge if Ready.
Spear 1 5gp +1 Penetration when using Charge.
Staff 0 1gp +2 Deflection when Ready. Free near trees.
Special Info
Dazes Target Dazed for next 1d4 Actions.
Requires Str -1 Attack for each Strength below Requirement.
Severs Limb Roll 1d4: 1=L Leg, 2=R Leg, 3=L Arm, 4=R Arm.

Ranged Weapons

  • Each Ranged Weapon has a Range. Attacks within Range receive no penalties. Beyond this Range, Attacks receive a -2 penalty for each additional Range increment (round up).
  • Ranged Weapons cannot reach further than 4 times their Range normally.
  • Range to Targets is measured at the start of the Action Phase.
  • Ranged Attacks from High Ground receive +2 Attack.

Example: Weapon with 30' Range:

  • Rolls Attacks at 5'-30' normally.
  • Receives a -2 Attack at 35'-60'.
  • Receives a -4 Attack at 65'-90'.
  • Receives a -4 Attack at 95'-120'.
  • Cannot Attack beyond 120'.
Thrown Weapons
Name Penetration Cost Range Properties
Bolo/Net 0 5gp 15' Entraps on Hit.
Dagger 0 3gp 15' Silent.
Dart 0 1gp 30' Silent.
Javelin 1 5gp 15'
One Handed Ranged
Name Penetration Cost Range Properties
Blowgun 1 10gp 30' Silent. Deals 0 Wounds. Can be Poisoned.
Sling 0 1gp 30' Dazes on Critical Hit.
Two Handed Ranged
Name Penetration Cost Range Properties
Long Bow 2 25gp 30' Requires Str 2.
Short Bow 1 15gp 30'
Light Crossbow 2 20gp 30' Requires Quick Reload.
Heavy Crossbow 3 30gp 30' Requires Complex Reload.
Special Info
Dazes Target Dazed for next 1d4 Actions.
Entraps Target Not Ready. Cannot move until freed by Use Item Action.
Poisoned Can inflict Poison on Hit. Poison may vary.
Requires Reload Requires a Quick or Complex Use Item Action between shots.
Requires Str -1 Attack for each Strength below Requirement.
Silent This Weapon's Attack does not break Stealth.


Light Armor
Name Deflection Absorb Cost Properties
Unarmored +3 0 N/A Ready Only
Leather +2 1 20gp
Medium Armor
Name Deflection Absorb Cost Properties
Chain Mail +1 2 30gp
Splint Mail +1 2 50gp Protects Limbs 1
Heavy Armor
Name Deflection Absorb Cost Properties
Half Plate +2 3 200gp Protects Limbs 2
Full Plate +3 3 1000gp Protects Limbs 3
Name Deflection Absorb Cost Properties
Buckler +2 0 10gp Ready Only
Shield +2 1 20gp Ready Only
Towe Shield +1 1 30gp Ready Only. Provides Cover
Special Info
Protects Limbs On Severs Limb, roll 1d4. Limb not severed if roll is equal or less than Protects Limbs value.
Provides Cover When held, provides Cover to wielder and adjacent allies.
Ready Only Only provides Deflection and Absorb when Ready.